Thursday, September 10, 2009

Little Cousins Come to Visit the Island

It’s hard to believe that another Labor Day weekend is behind us, and I still have a number of things I would like to see and do on Long Island. Then again it’s only the unofficial end of summer; we still have a couple of weeks to go. Plus, fall is also a great time to go peeking around in our nearby towns, parks, museums and more. Little by little, I will cross places off my list!

There were a few things I got around to when my cousin’s children came to stay with me a few weeks ago. Having guests is definitely a great excuse to get out and about in your area. Granted, since they are kids, they spent a lot of time playing with my landlord’s kids and swimming in the pool, but we managed to get out of the house too.

There was a little walk along the boardwalk at Sunken Meadow Park. I mentioned the boardwalk a few weeks ago in this blog. It was a beautiful night, and with the kids being from upstate, they got a kick out of going down to the beach and getting some sand between their toes.

One afternoon we visited the Cradle of Aviation in Garden City right across from Nassau Coliseum. I brought my cousin’s son here last year and it was a big hit. The museum pretty much covers the history of aviation from the first plane to man walking on the moon to current times. It also celebrates Long Island’s and the company Grumman’s contribution to the miracle of flight. It’s definitely an educational experience, and there are also pieces scattered about where you can get a feel for how it feels to be a pilot or be in a fighter plane. There is also a small Fire Museum in the Cradle that not only demonstrates a short history of the development of fire prevention, but also teaches children what to do in an emergency. Last but not least, there’s the IMAX theatre that plays interesting shorts and feature films. This year we didn’t catch a film, but last year my cousin’s son and I caught a short film on dinosaurs and the IMAX experience is amazing.

The Cradle of Aviation is part of museum row which is home to the Long Island Children’s museum and most recently Nunley’s Carousel. We didn’t have a chance to visit the children’s museum, but you can bet we all took a ride on the carousel. The artwork and sculpted animals on Nunley’s Carousel is stunning. Created in 1912 the carousel has had a few homes and was place in storage in 1995. Purchased by Nassau County as a historical artifact, the carousel was restored and place in its new home this year.

At the end of the trip, it turned out the favorite was a night at Adventureland. (My goddaughter still had her POP bracelet on a week and a half later!) If you live on Long Island, then you are very familiar with this small yet fun amusement park. I found out it’s a perfect way to spend a few hours when you have kids. There’s pay one price bracelets, and there’s no entrance fee if you don’t go on anything. It’s filled with rides and various games, and while most rides are probably more geared towards the kiddies, there are some for teens and adults to enjoy. I met another cousin here with her little ones, and I liked the fact that from her youngest who is 3 years old to my cousin’s son who is 10 there was something for everyone to do and enjoy at every moment.

Well, I thought I wouldn’t fill the time for the three full days that the kids were here, but I did it without a problem. And of course, there are other places that I wish we had the chance to visit. I think next year I may have to keep them for at least a week to cover everything!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2002 Reflections on 9/11

A few years ago I shared my thoughts on 9/11 with friends in an e-mail. I decided to post it in my blog, as that day affected so many Long Islanders.


It’s hard to believe that it will be a year since the tragic events of September 11, 2001. I know I have been through a range of feelings and thoughts these last 12 months, as I’m sure all of you have. While I was one of the fortunate ones who didn’t lose any family members or friends, I’m still affected by the fact that we were robbed of so many people. It’s been interesting to read some of the profiles that have appeared in the Long Island newspaper “Newsday”. As you read these stories, you are struck not so much by the number of people who passed away that day, but by the number of dreams and goals that were shattered, and most of all the number of people that each of these beings touched in their lives.

There are so many stories out there, but for me there are a few that stand out because I know a little bit more than what I have read in the papers or seen on television. When you’re learning about a person’s life through the media, his life may almost seem fictional. But through friends, acquaintances and memories of my school days, I realize just how real the people of 9/11 are. This September 11, I hope you will keep the following people, especially their loved ones who are left behind, in your thoughts and prayers.

There’s my friend Lola’s cousin Harry Ramos. Harry was a trader with May Davis in the World Trade Center’s south tower, and he was the only May Davis employee to die on September 11. He and his co-workers were traveling down the staircase from the 87th floor, when Harry encountered a stranger on the 57th floor who was having trouble descending the stairs. Harry and one of his co-workers decided to help the man, but after another twenty flights the stranger couldn’t travel any further. Harry told his co-worker to go ahead and he would keep the stranger company. Harry was never seen again, and on that day he left behind a wife and two children.

Then there is Angel Juarbe from my friends Lindsay and Jeanette’s neighborhood in the Bronx. Angel was a firefighter with Ladder Company 12 in the Chelsea section of Manhattan and the winner of the FOX television show “Murder in Small Town X”. One look at a photo of Angel, who is featured in the 2003 New York Firefighters’ calendar, and you know he was a beautiful person on the outside. But one look at an article about him or talking to his cousin Gladys like I have, you’ll find he was also a beautiful person on the inside. He was always quick to help out a stray animal or play with the kids in the neighborhood, and he always encouraged the children in his life to stay in school. Angel was last seen running towards the south tower after evacuating the nearby Marriott hotel. There’s probably a lot of things FOX or Angel’s family could have done with the money that he won from “Murder in Small Town X”, but they have decided to create a scholarship fund with it. Once it is established other people will be able to contribute to it, and every year Angel’s mom will grant a scholarship to a student attending one of the schools he attended. It’s what Angel would have wanted.

Out of everyone who was lost that day, it seems I have been affected most by the passing of two of my former classmates from the Hauppauge High School Class of 1986 – John Tipping and Joseph Perroncino. I was extremely shy in school, so I wasn’t a friend to either of them. Joseph was simply a familiar face in the halls of Hauppauge’s middle and high schools. As for John, he and I attended school together from 4th to 12th grade. He was one of the children of Forest Brook, and he always had a boyish face and a twinkle in his eyes. Despite the fact we never became friends, there is something haunting about losing someone you went to school with. It’s hard to explain those feelings, but I can tell you I feel a great sense of unfairness. John and Joseph should be at our 20th reunion in a few years talking about things like their careers, significant others, children and other memorable events. When I think of Joseph and John is when I get the angriest.

I can’t help but feel we were robbed on that day when Joseph, who was described as the backbone of his family in “Newsday”, was at work at Cantor Fitzgerald probably thinking it was a typical day. He was just doing his job; he didn’t choose to die for the American Dream at the hands of religious zealots, but yet he did.

John, a firefighter with Manhattan’s Ladder Company 4, was among countless of firefighters, police officers and emergency workers who somehow were able to do their job even in the face of such unexplainable evil. On September 10 while fighting a fire, John suffered a corneal abrasion when debris hit him in the eye. It was late by the time he was treated at the hospital so he decided to stay over at his firehouse. Despite the fact that his injury placed him on a medical leave of absence, while walking out the door the next day John heard the alarms and he hopped on a fire truck. It’s what any firefighter would have done. On October 14 a couple of friends and I attended one of John’s memorials at the main firehouse in Hauppauge. The amount of people in attendance, including former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was overwhelming. Many of those attending were former classmates of mine and John’s, and if there was any time that one wished a simple word or a touch of a hand could heal, it was that day. John’s body was found on March 12, 2002 along with the bodies of other members of Ladder 4. His brother-in-law and father were able to carry his flag-draped stretcher from Ground Zero. It’s a task that no father should ever endure.

A range of feelings has been felt this year -- way too many to include in one e-mail. But for all of you I hope whatever pain you have felt this year, has eased. I know it will never go away completely, but I hope it has eased somewhat. As for the lessons we have learned since that day, I hope we keep them forever. It shouldn’t have taken such tragedies to make us realize how fortunate we are to be Americans, and to make us look around at everything we have and at everyone in our lives and realize how lucky we are, but that’s the past. Now it’s time to forge ahead stronger, smarter and with more gratefulness in our hearts and guarantee that those who passed away on September 11 didn’t die in vain. I hope if you know of anyone that died that day, you will let everyone you encounter know about him or her. And now that you know of Harry Ramos, Angel Juarbe, Joseph Perroncino and John Tipping, I hope you won’t forget them.

As for those who died on that day, a dream of mine brings me comfort. In this dream I was standing with someone and there was John Tipping. I said something to the other person about John being a New York City firefighter and something to the effect that we had to be respectful of him. John turned to me and said, “Rita, thanks, it’s okay.” I woke up with the dream fresh in my head, and the first thing I thought was that John said, “It’s okay.” I would like to believe that, that where ever they all are it’s okay. I have a feeling that it is.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunken Meadow State Park and a P.S. about the Outlets

Yesterday my friend Kathleen called me to ask if I would like to take a walk along the boardwalk at Sunken Meadow State Park. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but in the 32 years I have lived on Long Island, I have never been there.

Imagine my surprise while entering the park to see a picnic area and also to find out there's golfing! I was driving through thinking I have to return to the park and take a peek at the other areas.

Last night was for walking though, so I found Kathleen, and I couldn't believe how beautiful the walk along the boardwalk was. I mean we may not be a tropical beach, but the sand and the water were looking pretty good. Maybe because it was dusk, but everything was looking beautiful. Plus they say dolphins were found in the Long Island Sound this year, and that means that the water is cleaner! So maybe I'm not so off that the water was looking inviting.

From what I understand the boardwalk is 3/4 of a mile. If you walk from one end to another then we're looking at 1 1/2 miles. Not bad, plus the fresh sea air and the eclectic group of people. There were serious walkers to couples walking hand in hand to families and friends hanging out, everyone was there last night!

Sunken Meadow State Park is a perfect example of the little treasures we can find right in our own backyard on Long Island.

Speaking of our own backyard, if you live in Western Suffolk you probably have already discovered the outlets in Deer Park. I was there briefly back in December and only saw part of the shopping center. Today my mother and I went to check it out. It's nice and clean that's for sure and definitely a pleasurable shopping experience. The only thing is I don't think I saved as much money as you would think. Hmmmm....

Well, I'm glad I was able to enter another entry here. Wherever you "backyard" is, I hope you are enjoying it!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Treasure in Smithtown's Backyard

Many people in Smithtown simply pass by Caleb Smith State Park Preserve located along Jericho turnpike with Old Willets Path to the west and the Smithtown Bull to the east. A few years ago I finally discovered this treasure when my friend’s parents asked me to help the preserve’s Friends organization with their newsletter.

Over the last few years with the Friends group I have volunteered at a few events, become one of the board members and now I am the assistant secretary. There have been many times sitting or walking around the park where I am in amazement that this beautiful sanctuary is right off the hectic, and sometimes dangerous, Jericho Turnpike. It seems worlds away.

With over 500 acres, the park is part of property once owned by Richard Smythe, the founder of Smithtown back in 1665. The property has changed owners over the centuries, but since 1963 has been owned by the state of New York.

I must admit there is so much more about the park I need to discover. I haven’t explored as much as I have liked, and I am planning to now that the nice weather is here. There are walking trails and fresh water tributaries for fly-fishing. Okay, so maybe I won’t be fishing, but definitely a bit of hiking. And even in the winter one can cross country ski or go snowshoeing. Plus, this summer the park’s nature museum will be open once again with amazing exhibits.

Among the ponds, streams, fields and woodlands there’s so much more to discover here. Peace and serenity exist right in the town of Smithtown.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blogging Idea

Today driving around doing my errands, I was thinking how much I enjoy living in Smithtown and on Long Island. However, even though I have lived here since I was 9 years old, I really can’t articulate why. Granted there’s the ease of the suburbs with the stores nearby, and the feel of the county with the tree lined streets. Also living in Smithtown there’s the fact that I’m a hop, skip and jump from the beaches, and I’m not far from more rural areas or the thrill of New York City. Of course, I can do without the traffic at rush hour, but overall I’m glad I live here. Life is pretty good.

I must confess there’s a reason why I can’t go on about the positives of Long Island – I haven’t explored this island as much as I would have liked to these last 32 years. For the past few years whenever the weather turns warm I swear I’m going to walk around more towns, visit more museums and wander a bit more. But then I get caught up with the Monday to Friday routine and other responsibilities, before I know it winter arrives and maybe I did one or two of the many things I had planned.

This past year I was thinking about how I should blog. I work for the Bed Bath & Beyond Web site, and I have to tell you it gets to a point where you can no longer write about pots ‘n pans, towels, sheets and all the other household goods. Last year, we took over BuyBuyBaby which shook things up for a bit. But now I am tired about writing about strollers, highchairs, breast pumps, well I guess you get the picture.

So today I realized blogging about me rediscovering, and in some cases, discovering Long Island’s treasures would be a great idea. Blogging would help me keep my promise to myself to write more outside of work, and in this case, it will also help to keep me motivated to get out and about on Long Island.

I’m hoping all of you reading this right now will join me on this journey. It will take me a couple of weeks before this really starts rolling. This weekend is beautiful, but there’s still some chilly weather in the immediate future. Plus, next week I’m heading upstate to Kingston. However, I promise myself, this year is the year!