Sunday, July 1, 2012

Reunited and It Feels So Good: Hauppauge High School Class of '87's 25th Reunion

Hauppauge school spirit invaded Port Jefferson on Saturday, June 23 with members of Hauppauge High School's Class of 1987 holding an informal 25th reunion at Rowland Photography / The Gallery.

The event organized by Christine Weber Livingston and Jason Feinman drew approximately 25 former classmates. The two posted the event on Facebook in hopes of an informal, inexpensive and cozy event, and Kathy Kane Rowland made it possible by offering her photo gallery as the venue.

Old friends from the local area as well as Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia and Florida gathered that night to catch up and take a stroll down memory lane. The reunion kicked off at 6:00 p.m. with plenty of hugs and warm hellos as people arrived. Chris Lynch and Jill Rossi were enthusiastically greeted everywhere they turned the second they entered the party. The two who met at an alumni happy hour three years ago became engaged a few months ago and everyone was looking forward to congratulating them.

Being in the village reminded Lorraine Gryniewich and Mary McCormick Ippolito of younger days when they would drive around Port Jefferson. David Juan remembered Jason taking care of a bully during their school years. One day Jason, who was a little guy, had enough of being picked on and swung his book bag at a fellow classmate slamming the guy into the lockers. It was definitely an incident that many remember to this day!
Nicole DeDominicis McBride traveled from Florida for the reunion and like many couldn’t believe 25 years had passed already. She had a great time catching up with everyone that showed up, but said as a nostalgic and sentimental person there were countless of others she would have loved to have seen.

And while many weren’t able to make the trip, others were there virtually for a short time thanks to Skype. People at the reunion got a chance to chat with Mimi Wright and John Taylor thanks to Kathy having a computer at the gallery.
Jason thought everyone looked great and loved hearing about the accomplishments of the mostly female attendees. He was impressed by Tracey Donehower’s volunteer work, and the mothers who juggle their children’s schedules, as well as their own interests and careers. He loved hearing about the wide range of professions from Colleen’s artistic career to Christine’s stint as a police officer.

Christine, who traveled from North Carolina, was blown away by her classmates. She posted on one of the Hauppauge alumni Facebook walls, "so current kids take a look at what you can accomplish by taking a good look at us." She's grateful for Facebook that not only made this reunion possible, but the 40th birthday party bash that was held a couple of years ago as well as the alumni happy hours that many from this class have attended over the past few years.
Everyone had so much fun that after 9:00 they headed over to the bar at Ruvo's, while others lingered over good-byes at the gallery. These former classmates definitely needed more than three hours to share their memories and lives.

I graduated a year before everyone, but always had friends from the Class of 1987. There are those like Denise and David Juan who I have remained friends with through the years and others who I reconnected with on Facebook. Many will agree that Hauppauge people are good people, and I have to say this group is an exceptionally great group. The Class of ’87 has always held a special place in my heart with my own class, and I am happy to say that many of them are still part of my life.
It’s nights like this one that remind us where we came from, and the good, solid foundation it provided in our lives. Here’s to more wonderful reunions in the decades to come!

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